
Sabtu, 06 September 2014

"The story of this love makes all moved and continued to shed tears"

On the afternoon of the day looks a grandmother repeatedly pressing a rice cooker, rice cooker but it still will not turn on. The grandmother then waddled from the kitchen to his room. In the room directly grandmother smoothed his hair had turned white and baju.Setelah replace all the buttons buttoned, the grandmother back open again. It turned out that his shirt unbuttoned buttons in the order, so sometimes the left side of the shirt which is higher than the right. Or buttons to the right beyond the second order from the left. She even had to repeat it several times until finally all the new sweat can be buttoned neatly in order. After the grandmother walked out of the living room across the kamar.Saat grandmother, granddaughter yangberumur 16 year-old was watching TV. Dressed melihatneneknya amazed and asked, 

"Grandma's going where, instead of being a grandmother was cooking in the kitchen?"

Grandma then explained that he was indeed going to cook, but entahkenapa cookernya rice will not turn on, and now grandmother is coming out briefly to buy food. With a frown, his grandson requested that the grandmother to go home because he was getting hungry. 
"Yes, grandma will quickly go home. You wait a minute yah grandma ... "
Grandmother said with a smile, not a frown that her granddaughter's face lagi.Nenek walked out of the house, waiting for a bus pass, then took a bus to the center of food sales. 
Some time after the grandmother out of the house, his grandson walked into the kitchen looking for a snack to simply block the stomach. He accidentally saw a rice cooker plug is not plugged. His grandson smiled amused attitude forgetful grandmother as the person who has dementia alone. Arriving at the center of food sales, grandma bought her granddaughter's favorite chicken rice. When finished paying and was about to go home, step grandmother suddenly stopped exactly at the exit. His head turned to the left and to the right, his eyes dilated, his face turned looked confused. All the buildings and streets in front of him looks different and foreign.

Grandma paused for a moment in silence. And finally realizes that he forgot the way to go home. Then swiftly, grandmother waved his hand as he walked up to a young man who crossed in front of him. Ask for assistance to the young man to want to take it home. 
"Son, son, please deliver grandmother's home ..." said the grandmother. 
"Sorry, Grandma. I'm in a hurry. "Reject the young man. 
Then the grandmother approached a middle-aged woman. Same with the young man, this woman can not go home because grandma will deliver pick up her children. Grandma does not stop. This time he walked swiftly toward a fathers for help.

"Sir, sir, please take me home. I'm waiting for my grandson to bring food home. He must be hungry now. "Said grandmother with face looks sad. 
"The house where Grandma, let me across." Replied the father is. 
"Um ... um ... me .., I do not remember where." The grandmother said with a stammer. 
  "But please take me home, sir. Anyway Take me home alone. "Grandma begged. The father also could not help because the grandmother was senile and did not remember where his house.

Grandmother's eyes looked glazed, tears almost fell cheeks. Grandmother keeps asking repeatedly for help to every person he met to be delivered home. There were refused and some are willing ... but anyone who wants to help it still can not deliver a grandmother. Grandmother's face looked very sad. Unconsciously grandmother tears running down his cheeks. Remembering grandson starve, waiting for him to come home with food. Grandma still continuously running while asking for help, and occasionally trying to find his way home alone. Without stopping to rest. White hair was neatly combed and tied back, now began to fall apart and not twisted. Both tangannyat continue to embrace bought chicken rice this afternoon to keep warm. The whole face and his shirt was soaked with sweat. The steps also have started to slow down because his legs were sore and exhausted. Until it grew dark, the grandmother still kept going, trying to get to the house despite of his face looks obvious that grandma is very tired ...

At the same time, home grandmother, a couple new home. They are the parents of the grandchildren grandmother. The mother saw her son who was snacking while watching TV. Then ask, 
"How did you snack, what unfinished grandma cook?" Her daughter explained, if the grandmother does not cook these days and has been since noon went to the sales center food but still not home until now. 
"What! Grandma had not come home from this afternoon ?! "his father said with a worried and surprised faces. 
Children have not had time to say anything, both husband and wife go straight again. Intends to seek a grandmother! His son was surprised to see both parents suddenly became panicked and immediately go again. After a while he realized, if not forgetful grandmother, but was senile, and grandmother must have been lost now. Soon, he started to follow his parents went looking for grandma. All three are around in the middle of the city, trying to find a grandmother. And then, both husband and wife heard the sound of a car horn bersahut-replication. Both immediately ran toward the sound of the horn. When we got there they saw a grandmother standing dazed in the middle of the road blocking rate cars. Then pull both my grandmother's hand and led him to the curb.

"What are you doing in the middle of the street like this. Mother made ​​us a spectacle of everyone ... "snapped his son. 
"Sir, sir, please take me home, my granddaughter now must have been very hungry. Sorry for my granddaughter, she has not eaten on the day. Please sir ... "Because in snapped, the absent-minded grandmother and does not remember his own son and daughter in law. 
"Mom! I was your own daughter! "Cried his son lagi.Kemudian grandmother turned to law, 
  "Ma'am, please take me home, I'm waiting for my grandson to take food home." Grandma crying plaintively. Grandmother heard pleading as it coupled with the condition of the body that are so very tired grandmother. Hearts both feel very melancholy one. Could not hold her tears, becomes law was crying. Crying with extremely sad. Realizing how much love and affection grandmother to her grandson, who is none other than their own daughter. 
Suddenly ... from a distance, the faint voice calling his grandson,

"Grandma, Grandma ..." Grandma turn round, look for the origin of the sound of his grandson. Sure enough, her grandson was not far from there. Behind the dim streetlight, his grandson ran to the grandmother. Glad to see grandchildren were there, grandma was walking toward his grandson with a limp. Although it looks grandmother smiling very happy, but it still looks very clearly tired smile behind itu.Cucunya grandmother hugged. 
"I'm sorry Grandma, Grandma is okay?" Said his grandson with tears. 
"Yes, Grandma is okay. It has traded grandmother's favorite chicken rice you, let's eat. You must be hungry once. Poor grandma grandson have to starve till night. "The grandmother said, unwrapping the rice in suapkan mouth to his grandson. Granddaughter kept crying. 
"Grandma forgive me, forgive me, Grandma." Grandson continues repeatedly apologized tearfully ... 
"Please forgive grandmother well, so you have to starve grandma wait too long." 
Hearing grandmother said so, and the condition is so painful grandmother also fatigue. The grandson tears flowing. Son and daughter grandmother who saw this incident, also shed tears. Then the two walked up to the grandmother and grandmother hugging from behind.

"Mom, we all love you very much. 
"Dear Friends, This story was presented to me and you to open your heart and eyes to how great our love and care of parents in raising their children. When our parents were elderly and no longer able to take care of himself,

as a child, it is fitting for us to love, care and attention to them exactly as they have done to us. With all humility and respect, would you be kind enough to participate with me in forwarding this message of love story with the "Tag / Share & Broadcast" to all my friends and family members? Because we are doing so and encourage others also to do a masterpiece virtue to better care for the elderly and will bring grace biggest blessing in our lives in the world love this hotel.Thank for taking the time to read this story and thank you for sharing your precious heart for all the parents in this world

Jika Allah

Ibn al-Qayyim berkata:
"Jika Allah memudahkanmu untuk selalu bangun shalat malam, maka jangan pernah mencibir mereka yang terlelap tidur…
Jika Allah memudahkanmu untuk selalu berpuasa, maka jangan pernah mencibir mereka yang tidak mengerjakannya…
Jika Allah memudahkanmu untuk terjun di medan jihad, maka jangan pernah mencibir mereka yang tidak mengangkat senjata…
Sesungguhnya betapa banyak orang yang tidur, tidak berpuasa, dan tidak mengangkat senjata, justru mereka lebih baik darimu…
Sesungguhnya, sekalipun engkau tidur semalaman tapi saat bangun pagi engkau dihinggapi penyesalan, maka itu jauh lebih baik daripada engkau tahajjud semalaman tapi saat bangun pagi engkau dihinggapi rasa ujub penuh kesombongan.
Karena orang yang ujub, amal perbuatannya tidak akan pernah diterima Allah Swt.”
(Madarijus Salikin, 1/177)
Yaa Allah, ampuni kami jika masih ada ujub dalam hati kami...
Mngingatkn ayyamul bidh 13,14,15 Dzulqo'idah=8,9,10 september 2014, keep istiqomah, keep fastabiqul khoirot

Seorang Pemuda di China Menikahi Teman Masa Kecilnya

Liputan6.com, Beijing - Apa yang dialami sepasang kekasih bernama Wang Zi-heng dan Xixi ini seperti dongeng. Sebab perjalanan cinta mereka begitu indah.
Wang yang tinggal di Kota Zhengzhou, Provinsi Henan, China bertemu kekasih masa kecilnya, ketika ia baru berusia enam tahun. Merasa jatuh cinta, ia lalu berjanji kepada ibunda Xixi akan menikahi putrinya perihal rencana menikah itu.

Seperti diberitakan Oddity Central, Kamis (4/9/2014), janji itu ternyata bukan main-main atau cinta monyet yang banyak terjadi saat kanak-kanak. Wang tidak pernah melupakan sumpahnya. Namun ia Butuh waktu 18 tahun untuk memenuhi janjinya menikah dengan kekasih kecilnya dulu.

Kisah cinta Wang berawal di bangku TK. Kala itu ia dan Xixi bersekolah di tempat yang sama. Setiap hari selalu bermain bersama, kemudian menjadi tak terpisahkan.

Melihat Wang-Xixi kecil yang tak terpisahkan dan lucu, kedua orangtua mereka pun mengabadikan foto pernikahan keduanya berlatar sebuah jembatan kayu tua. Untuk sekadar kenang-kenangan mengenai keakraban anak-anak mereka.

Namun tak lama kemudian, Wang pindah ke tempat lain. Sehingga ia kehilangan kontak dengan cinta sejatinya itu.

Selama bertahun-tahun, Wang tidak pernah melupakan Xixi. Ia ingin mencarinya, tapi tak ada informasi sedikit pun. "Aku bahkan tidak tahu nama lengkapnya, saya hanya digunakan untuk menelepon Xixi nya, yang panggilan akrabnya," kata dia.

"Aku selalu memikirkannya, ketika aku sudah besar dan kembali ke sana, ternyata Xixi sudah pindah juga. Sehingga tak ada cara untuk menemukan informasi lebih banyak tentang keluarganya," urai Wang sedih.

Tapi sepertinya Wang dan Xixi benar-benar ditakdirkan untuk bersama alias berjodoh. Sebab terjadi beberapa kebetulan aneh, yang mempertemukan mereka.

Tiba-tiba saja orang tua Wang bertemu salah satu kerabat Xixi. Sehingga Wang bisa menghubungi kekasih masa kecilnya, yang bernama lengkap Xiang Chung.

"Aku punya alamat dan nomor teleponnya. Lalu aku menelepon dan membuat janji bertemu dengannya," jelas dia.

"Aku bahkan tidak tahu apakah dia akan ingat denganku. Tapi ketika kami bertemu, chemistryantara kami langsung tercipta. Kami pun mulai berkencan, lalu memutuskan untuk menikah," papar Wang.

Pada hari pernikahan, Wang dan Xixi pun kembali ke jembatan tua tempatnya berfoto sebagai pengantin cilik dulu. Lalu berpose sekali lagi untuk foto pernikahan sebenarnya. Indahnya cerita ini seperti dalam dongeng... (Riz)

Why do you think Islam is so beautiful?

It makes sense both logically and spiritually. 

It takes everything I believed before I found Islam, everything I understood on my own, and confirms what my heart already knew. It makes sense of those things that were confusing. It gives the explanations for why, and the instructions on how to. 

And the most important, for me at least, is it keeps the focus always on the most important thing, which is Allah. Prayer, and turning to God for everything, is an important part of Islam. Islam is beautiful because I know Allah can do all things, and I know that if I am meant to be guided to the right paths and choices, all I must do is turn to Him. Regardless of what I hear about Islam from anyone, even those who practice it... Islam allows me to feel there is no wrong in turning to God alone for the answers, and feel no worry over whether or not I will be guided to them. 

But really... there are far more things that make it beautiful than can be listed.

Jumat, 05 September 2014

Benarkah Isa itu Tuhan???

Tidak ada satupun dari hampir semiliar umat muslim di dunia ini yang berani menyebut bahwa Almasih Isa/Yesus adalah Tuhan atau menyebut Tuhan Yesus seperti umumnya umat Kristiani. Hal ini karena muslim sedari kecil telah diajar dan kemudian mengajarkan secara turun temurun selama berabad-abad bahwa "La ilaha illallah" (tidak ada Tuhan kecuali Alloh). Benarkah Almasih Isa disebut Tuhan, karena Dia dilahirkan tidak berbapa? Tidak! Karena Adam juga tercatat dilahirkan tidak berbapa bahkan tidak beribu dan Adam tidak pernah disebut "Tuhan". Atau, apakah karena Almasih Isa/Yesus membuat mukjizat? Inipun juga tidak!! Karena nabi Musa-pun terekam banyak membuat mukjizat namun Musa tidak pernah disebut Tuhan. Mungkinkah karena Almasih Isa/Yesus dapat menyembuhkan penyakit kusta dan menghidupkan orang mati. Ternyata juga tidak, karena ternyata nabi Elisa-pun tercatat dapat menyembuhkan penyakit kusta dan menghidupkan orang mati, namun Elisa tidak pernah disebut Tuhan. Atau apakah Yesus disebut Tuhan, karena Dia telah naik ke sorga, nabi Elia juga tercatat naik ke sorga, tetapinabi Elia tidak pernah disebut Tuhan.
Kalau begitu apa sebabnya umat Kristiani menyebut Almasih Isa/Yesus itu Tuhan?

Untuk dapat memahami mengapa Almasih Isa/Yesus disebut Tuhan, anda mesti juga membaca dan menghayati artikel saya yang lain, yaitu “Almasih Isa Anak Allah?”.  Almasih Isa/Yesus disebut Tuhan karena Allah yang merupakan Firman itu sendiri telah menjelma menjadi manusia(baca Injil Yohanes 1 ; 1,14) dalam wujud jasad Almasih Isa/Yesus. Semua muslim telah salah mengartikan bahwa; kalau Allah telah menjelma menjadi manusia dan berada di dunia dalam jasad Almasih Isa, berarti sorga kosong melompong tanpa penguasa sama sekali semasa Almasih berada di dunia karena tidak ada Allah disana.

Marilah kita jujur, bila Allah menjelma menjadi manusia, itu mengandung maknabahwa Allah telah menyatakan dirinya, menyatakan wujudnya, mewahyukan karyanya dan lain-lain dalam pribadi manusia yang kasat mata yaitu di dalamAlmasih Isa/Yesus Kristus. Cobalah hayati apa yang telah disabdakan oleh Almasih Isa sendiri, "Bahwa Bapa di dalam Aku dan Aku di dalam Bapa" (Yohanes 10:38b). "Aku dan Bapa adalah satu" (Yohanes 10:30)."Barang siapa telah melihat Aku, ia telah melihat Bapa" (Yohanes 14:9b). Rasul Paulus menyatakankepada jemaat di Kolose, "Sebab dalam Dialah (Yesus), berdiam secara jasmaniah seluruh kepenuhan ke-Allah-an" (Kolose 2:9). Almasih Isa/Yesus ituadalah ''Tuhan'' juga dapat kita temukan dalam Matius 28:18,"KepadaKu telah diberikan segala kuasa di sorga dan di bumi”. Dan rasul Paulus mengatakan,"Dialah (Yesus), kepala semua pemerintah dan penguasa" (Kolose 2:10).

Makna atau arti kata "Tuhan", dalam bahasa Yunani adalah “Kyrios”, bahasa Ibrani“Yehovah/Yahweh”, bahasa Inggris “Lord”, dalam bahasa Arab “Rabb”, yang kesemuanya itu bermakna ''penguasa''. Allahu Rabbul 'alamin yang bermakna Allah Penguasa semesta alam.  "innallaha ja'ala Yasu'a hadza'lladzi shalabtumuhu antum Rabba wa Masichan", Artinya, "...sesungguhnya Allah telah menjadikan Yesus yang kamu salibkan itu Tuhan dan Kristus" (A'malul-Rasuli - Kisah Para Rasul 2:36).

Ada perbedaan antara istilah ''Allah'' dan istilah "Tuhan", Allah dan Tuhan memang satu. Tidak ada sesuatu apapun yang disebut Tuhan, kecuali hanya Allah. Namun kedua macam sebutan itu berbeda. Allah, dalam bahasa Ibrani disebut Elohim, bahasa Greek disebut Theos, dalam bahasa Inggris disebut God sedangkan dalam bahasa Arab dikenal dengan istilah Alloh yang merupakan wujud pribadi atau oknum al-khalik, pencipta semesta alam.

Seperti yang diuraikan pada alinea ke empat diatas, makna Tuhan dalam bahasaIbrani adalah Yehovah/Yahweh, bahasa Yunani dikatakan Kyrios, dalam bahasa Inggris disebut Lord, dalam bahasa Arab disebut Rabb, sedangkan dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut Tuhan yang bermakna Penguasa yang merupakan fungsionil Allah, kewibawaan Allah.

Ke-Tuhan-an Allah atau kewibawaan Allah terangkum dalam tiga hal, yaitu ;Mencipta, Berfirman dan Membimbing dimana ini menjelma dalam pribadi Almasih Isa/Yesus. Itulah sebabnya Almasih Isa/Yesus dikatakan sebagai "Firman yang Hidup".  Yesus sebagai Firman yang Hidup melaksanakan ke-Tuhan-an Allah berfirman dan penyelamat, dan itulah pula sebabnya Yesus dijadikan "Tuhan" oleh Allah (Kisah Para Rasul 2:36, Kolose 2:10). Alkitab mengatakan: "...dilimpahkan kuasa seluruhnya baik yang di bumi maupun yang di sorga kepada Yesus" (bacalah selengkapnya Matius 28:18). Tuhan Yesus, bermakna bahwa Yesus penguasa, yang berkuasa menyelamatkan dengan sempurna, Yesus Juruselamat kita semua, Firman yang Hidup.

Perhatikan juga sabda Almasih Isa, "Akulah jalan dan kebenaran dan hidup. Tidak ada seorangpun yang datang kepada Bapa, kalau tidak melalui Aku" (Yohanes 14:6). Ayat diatas begitu berkuasa atas penyelamatan umat manusia tanpa pandang bulu bahkan ayat inilah sebenarnya yang di idam-idamkan oleh kita muslim di seluruh dunia yang memang telah menjawab rekor doa paling banyak yang dikumandangkan muslim di seluruh dunia seperti yang terekam dalam mukadimah Alquran yaitu surah Al fatihah sebagai bekal setelah mati kelak, “...tunjukkanlah kami jalan yang lurus...”. Namun muslim manakah yang mau memperhatikan ayat emas ini??

Seperti yang sudah disinggung diawal artikel ini bahwa yang menjadi batu sandungan kita  untuk tidak dapat menyebut Almasih Isa/Yesus itu Tuhan karenasecara turun temurun kita telah diajar dan mengajarkan selama berabad-abad, "La ilaha illallah", (Tidak ada Tuhan, kecuali Allah). Ternyata, terjemahan ini kurang tepatkalau tidak mau dibilang salah. Tepatnya terjemahan,"La ilaha illallah", adalah "Tidak ada ilah kecuali Allah". Bila terjemahannya tepat seperti ini maka sama sekali tidak bertentangan dengan Alkitab, Taurat dan Injil. Mengapa? karena dalam Keluaran 20 : 3 telah disabdakan,"Jangan ada padamu allah(ilah) lain dihadapanKu". Oleh sebab itulah maka dapat saya tegaskan bahwa ke-Tuhan-anyang disandangkan kepada Almasih Isa/Yesus seperti yang terekam dalam kesaksian Muhammad yang menyatakan “Isa faa innahu Rohullah wa Kalimatuhu”(Yesus itu sesungguhnya Roh Allah 
dan Firman-Nya) sungguh sangat bersesuaian. Lantas apa yang mesti kita ragukan lagi??

Bila diantara pembaca muslim masih ragu, ada perintah pasti dari Alloh untuk kalian lakukan yaitu, “Tanyakan pada ahlul Kitab, jika kau tidak percaya ini”, (surah 21:7 & surah 16:44).  Kini mungkin sudah waktunya kita melakukan apa yang diperintahkan oleh nabi kita, bertanya pada ahli kitab yaitu umat Kristiani agar semua menjadi jelas...

Rabu, 03 September 2014

Ketika Ayah berkata;

"kamu masih mengajar???" "iya yah"
"monoton dong, kerjanya cuma itu-itu aja, gak cari kerjaan yang lain aja" "enggak yah ini sudah pilihan Budi"

"memang kamu di gaji berapa??? nyampe satu juta???" "enggak yah" (aku menggelengkan kepala)

"tuh,,,,, mau jadi apa kamu dengan pekerjaan dan gaji yang kecil???? coba lihat si Apud, di sekarang jadi Surveyor di Honda, gajinya 2 juta sebulan sekarang udah menikah dia, coba kamu bayangkan dengan pekerjaan kamu dan bapak yakin gajimu pun kecil, apa bisa menghidupi anak istrimu kelak???"

Dan bla bla bla bla......, Ayah terus berkicau dengan teorinya dan anggapannya bahwa dengan menjadi guru itu gajinya kecil lah, susah hidup lah, serba kekurangan lah, aku tak peduli dengan itu semua, hidupku ya aku yang menjalani, toh ayah pun tidak membantu aku cari kerjaan bahkan dia hidup enak, ongkang-ongkang kaki dengan istri muda dan anak-anaknya, hanya sekedar peduli dengan pekerjaan ku yang sekarang yang hanya sebagai guru honor yayasan itu pun tanpa bantuan Ayah. Mana peduli Ayah dengan ku saat ini, yang Ayah pedulikan saat ini hanyalah mencari nafkah buat keluarganya bukan buat aku dan ibuku, aku sadar bahwa setelah mereka bercerai 14 tahun yang lalu Ayah seakan-akan pergi dan menghilang begitu saja tanpa memperhatikan kami, Ibu yang hanya lulusan SD hanya mampu menjadi tukang jahit kecil-kecilan dan ala kadarnya, namun alhamdulillah mampu untuk menyekolahkan aku hingga SMA, aku bersyukur dengan yang aku miliki sekarang. Lalu dimana Ayah???

Terkadang aku berfikir untuk apa aku setiap tahun, habis sholat idul fitri siangnya aku silaturahim ke Rumah Ayah di Desa Tetangga??? Untuk Apa?? Untuk apa jika hanya dijadikan bahan olok-olokan keadaan aku selama ini, aku berhasil lulus kuliah di salah satu Universitas negeri di Banten itu sama sekali tanpa bantuan Ayah, sama sekali tidak!! aku menguras keringat sendiri, aku berjuang dengan peluh dan darah dengan menjadi pelayan toko di salah satu toko supermarket di Kragilan Serang dan itu kulakukan selama 5 tahun dan  selama itu pula aku kuliah hingga berhasil di Wisuda 1 tahun yang lalu dan dimana Ayah ???? dimana Ayah ketika aku membutuhkannya, di saat aku butuh kasih sayang Ayah dia dimana??? ketika aku membutuhkan biaya wisuda Ayah dimana???? Justru aku harus berterima kasih pada Ibu dan Kakek karena kedua orang ini sangat berjasa untukku, Kakek dengan rela menjual sepetak tanahnya pada salah satu orang berada di kampung kami untuk biaya wisuda ku, lalu dimana Ayah.......???

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Dua tahun yang lalu persis di bulan ini, aku memutuskan untuk berhenti bekerja di supermarket, dan ini aku fikirkan sudah lama dan dengan berbagai pertimbangan dan aku katakan ini pada Ayah dan saat itu Ayah hanya mengatakan "terus kuliahmu gimana Bud? hanya pertanyaan itu saja namun aku hanya diam tak menjawab sikap Ayah kepadaku, aku hanya menghindari konflik dan debat dengannya, aku paham dengan semuanya, Ayah, Ibu tiriku dan Adik-adikku. aku takkan meminta bantuan apapun dari Ayah. Aku kuliah tanpa bantuan biaya dari Ayah. aku sendiri yang membiayai kuliahku. Terserah apa yang dikatakan Ayah padaku aku hanya mohon doa darinya bahwa saat ini kuliah tinggal semester akhir dan aku katakan bahwa aku takkan membebani Ayah dengan keadaan ku. aku akan cari sendiri biaya kuliahku, aku janji pada diriku bahwa aku pasti sukses tanpa bantuan Ayah, aku akan tunjukkan pada Ayah bahwa aku bisa sukses tanpa bantuannya aku Janji itu.

25 Desember 2013
Tanggal ini adalah moment dimana aku menyempurnakan sebagian kewajiban Agamaku, hari ini adalah dimana aku bisa berkata dengan bangga pada Ayah. Ayah, anakmu kini dapat menggapai impian-impiannya denga gemilang, anakmu ini sudah dapat membuktikan kepadamu bahwa Kesuksesan itu bukanlah hanya materi saja namun menikah pun adalah sama yaitu sebuah kesuksesan pribadi, dengan penuh rasa bangga aku mengenalkan Istriku pada Ayah di hari pernikahan ku. Nikah adalah Sunnah Nabi dan aku bisa buktikan bahwa aku bisa menikah dengan gadis pilihanku sendiri. Ayah.... inilah aku, Istriku dan pesta pernikahan ini adalah Murni dari hasil kerja kerasku selama ini, Ayah doakan kami mejadi Keluarga yang Sakinah. Mawadah dan Warahmah.... Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'Alamiin


Marriages usually start off so nicely. Everyone cooperates - the couple, their parents, other relatives, friends. Things usually run smoothly.

But somewhere along the way, marital disputes pop up. This is of course natural, but these can escalate to dangerous levels if not dealt with correctly.

1. Money

Couples argue over many things but money is by far one of the most frequent and serious. The solution is to discuss issues openly and consult within the family.

For instance, the issue of a wife working outside the home can become a contentious one. This should preferably be discussed before marriage. Also, if she does decide to work and the husband agrees, does she want to contribute a certain portion to household expenses or will she keep all of the money for herself (which is her right)?

One of the ways to avoid arguments about money is to simply make an easy budget which tracks expenses, income, investments, and establishes a framework for taking care of regular family necessities.

Also, learn how to make a budget and deal with debt. If you are a young student, keep in mind you have to pay off student loans. You should also know where to get interest-free loans and what assistance is available.

2. In-laws

In-laws are the focus of blame and reproach when there are marital disputes. But there are ways to maintain a good relationship with them. Here are some tips:

a. Remember your spouse's parents have known your husband longer and loved him longer. Never make an issue about "me or them".

b. Let respective parties settle their own disputes. If your mother-in-law has a problem with her husband, let them deal with it. Don't interfere.

c. Don't tell your spouse how to improve his relationship with his parents.

d. Expect some adjustment time for parents after marriage to adjust to this new relationship.

e. Remember that mothers are usually skeptical about daughter-in-laws and fathers about son-in-laws.

e. Always treat your in-laws with compassion, respect and mercy.

f. Maintain a balance between your needs and that of your in-laws.

g. Never compare your husband to your dad.

h. Do not go to your parents with your quarrels.

i. If you are supporting your parents financially inform your spouse as a matter of courtesy and clarity.

j. Do not prevent your spouse from seeing family unless you fear for their religion and safety.

k. Do not divulge secrets.

l. Make time to know your in-laws but stay out of their disputes.

m. Maintain the Adaab (etiquettes) of Islam with your sister- and brother-in-laws (i.e.no hugging or kissing).

n. You are not obliged to spend every weekend with your in-laws unless your husband asks you to.

o. Give grandparents easy and reasonable access to their grandchildren.

p. Be forgiving and keep your sense of humor.

q. Remember that nobody can interfere or influence your marriage unless you allow them to.

r. Invite in-laws at least once a month for a meal.

s. Visit them when you can and encourage your spouse to visit his parents and regularly check on them.

t. When parents become dependent on their children, a serious discussion with all parties present should take place. Expectations and requirements of such a living arrangement must be worked out.

3. Parenting

The tug of war that results from different understandings of what parenting is, is also a source of tension in marriage. One solution is to start learning about Islamic parenting before having children. If you already have kids, you can still learn. 

4. Stress

Stress is an almost constant factor in most people's lives in North America. Muslim couples are no exception. Stress from work, for example, is carried into the home.

Couples and families need to work out a coping mechanism in the family. For instance, couples can take a walk to talk about the day or go to the Masjid for at least one prayer. They can read Qur'aan individually or together. The methods can vary, but as long as they are Halaal and work, they can be used.

5. Domestic violence

This is an extremely sad reality and unless it is dealt with promptly by victims, perpetrators and/or those concerned about the two, then the family will break. Seeking help is necessary and if domestic violence is not stopped, the destructive effects will not only be harmful to the husband and wife, but to their children as well.

Family members, friends and Imaams need to stop the abuse. They must intervene and work on getting help for the husband and the wife.

6. Spiritual incompatibility

This is a growing problem within the Muslims. There is a disturbing lack of tolerance amongst young Muslims, especially, who may get sucked into cult-like groups which preach a "we're right and everyone else is wrong" mentality.

This intolerance is being transferred to marriages, where a couple may differ on minor points of faith. Married couples must understand the difference between an Islamically acceptable difference of opinion and one that is not. They must develop a tolerance, balance and respect for their differences on that basis.

7. Sexual dysfunction

This is one of the least talked about problems, but it is one that is wreaking havoc in a number of marriages. Many couples who are marrying are not learning the Islamic perspective on sex and marriage. As a result, when they are not satisfied with their spouse, a number of them may turn to others or seek easy divorce, instead of a solution.

Couples have to understand that the marital relationship in this area, as in others, needs work and patience and cannot be the subject of whims and impatience. Knowledge, practice and if possible, the advice of a wise, compassionate scholar are two key elements in finding a solution to this problem.

8. Interfaith marriages

Islam forbids marriage between Muslim women and non-Muslim men. There are a number of Muslim women who have taken this step and regretted it later. Such an action, in most Muslim families, results in the woman being isolated from her family with no support. As a result, when marital disputes do arise, parental support, which is there for many Muslim couples, is not there for these women. These Muslim women may also experience guilt for disobeying Allah and hurting their parents.

In other cases, Muslim women ask non-Muslim men they want to marry to convert shortly before the marriage to appease their parents. Again this can lead to marital disputes. Two things usually happen. Either the man becomes a truly practicing Muslim and the couple is no longer compatible; or he's bombarded with Muslims from the community wanting to invite him to Islaam and he gets upset and may hate Islaam.

In the case of Muslim men marrying Jewish and Christian women, the situation is different. While Islam does allow this, Muslim men marrying Jews and Christians need to remember that living in the West, if they end up divorcing, the children will almost automatically be given to the mother. Also, remember that the mother is the child's most important school. If you want your kids to grow up as practicing Muslims, you are better off marrying a practicing Muslim woman, especially in the West, where the unIslamic cultural influences outside the home are strong enough. Inside the home, it will become even harder to maintain Islamic influences if a mother is not a practicing Muslim herself.

9. Intercultural marriages

While Islam does not forbid intercultural marriages, they can become a source of tension when Muslims, primarily the couple, but also their families, make their culture more important than Islaam. If parental support is there for an intercultural marriage, things are smoother for the couple. If there is not, and if there is even hostile opposition on the part of one or both sets of parents, it could be better to not marry the person in the long run.

10. Lack of domestic skills

While girls are being encouraged to become scientists, engineers and doctors, for instance, there is little to no emphasis being placed on gaining domestic skills. It should be remembered that in Islam, while women are not forbidden from working within Islamic guidelines, and men are encouraged to help with housework, women's primary duty is within the home as a home manager and mother. As a result of the lack of domestic skills, many married couples find themselves in messy homes, where meals lack proper nutrition and in general, there is frustration.

11. The modern Muslim woman meets the old-fashioned Muslim man

While young Muslim women of the West are being encouraged to be strong and confident, boys are being raised in the same way and with the same cultural expectations as their fathers. As a result, young couples face a tug of war, when the old-fashioned, young Muslim boy won't lift a finger around the house (since he never saw his dad do this) and his young Muslim wife expects him to pitch in, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did with his wives.

The wife needs to be wise in dealing with such problems Islamically by restraining her tongue and expecting the reward from Allah. By being patient and persevering and looking-out for a good opportunity in which to sit down calmly and resolve such issues with her spouse she will find many blessings indeed

Tips for Muslim Youth

Why should you, a young Muslim, be helping to bring your friends closer to Allah?

After all, you've got your own struggles to deal with: trying to explain why you pray to hostile teachers, Hijab discrimination, standing up in class when the professor attacks Islam, dealing with parents who think you've gone nuts because you're growing a beard, or all the other difficulties faced by a number of practicing Muslim youth?

Islam was never meant to be an individualistic faith, reserved for the "chosen few". Muslims have a duty to spread the Deen, and practicing Muslim youth, whether beginners, activists or leaders have a crucial role to play.

"Allah has put them in a position that perhaps no one else is in," notes Sheema Khan, former Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA) advisor for eastern Canada. "They have the means to communicate with their peers, they have an understanding of what they're going through plus they have the guidance of Islam."

Who is your childhood friend, who would rather spend Fridays at MacDonald's than the Masjid, or your classmate who is Muslim in name and only knows that "Muslims don't eat pork" going to listen to: the nice Imam of the Masjid who would freak out if he saw the way they were dressed and talked or you who may have grown up with them, joked with them, or see them everyday in school?

The answer is obvious: you.

Don't panic. Here are some tips and advice which can help from other Muslims, many of whom have been there and done that:

Tip #1: Make your intention sincere

All work we do should ideally be for the sake of Allah. That includes the task of bringing someone closer to Allah. That of course means this should not be connected to arrogance, thinking you're the teacher and everyone else should be lucky you've embarked on a crusade to save them. Guidance is from Allah. Make Dua and make sincere efforts and remember Allah can also misguide you if He wills (we seek refuge in Allah from that).

Tip #2: Practice what you preach

Not practicing what you preach is wrong and you will lose the confidence of anyone, young or old, once they figure you out. Don't do it.

Tip #3: Use the Qur'an and Seerah (biography of the Prophet) as Dawa guides

Read and understand those chapters of the Qur'an which talk about how the Prophets presented the message of Islam to their people. Read the Seerah (for some good Seerah books) to see especially how the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) brought Islam to so many different people, including young people.

As well, talk to Dawa workers, and check out books that have been written on introducing dawa to non Muslims

Tip #4: Talk to people as if you really don't know them

Don't assume you know someone just by looking at them. You don't know that the Muslim girl in your homeroom who walks through the school's hallways as if they were fashion show catwalks is not someone you can talk to about Allah because she looks like a snob. Or that the Muslim guy who you've never seen at Jumah at your university is a "bad Muslim". Maybe he was never really taught Islam and has no idea what importance Friday prayers have in Islam, especially for Muslim men.

Tip #5: Smile

Did you know the Prophet was big on smiling? But many "practicing" Muslims seem to have "their faces on upside down" as one speaker once said-frowning and serious.

Smiling, being polite and kind are all part of the manners of the Prophet, which we must exercise in our daily lives. If we want to approach others with Islam, we have to make ourselves approachable. Smiling is key to this.

But note that being approachable does not mean being flirtations with the other gender. There are Islamic rules for how men and women should deal with each other which have to be respected. Dawa is no excuse to have long and private conversations and meetings with the other sex, for example. Set up a system where someone expressing an interest in Islam is referred to someone of the same sex.

Tip #6: Take the initiative and hang out with them

Take the first step and invite someone you may have spoken to a couple of times to sit at lunch together, to check out a hockey game or invite them over for Iftar in Ramadan. Also, share difficulties, sorrows and frustrations. Help with homework, be a shoulder to cry on when depression hits, or just plain listen when your friend is upset, discuss common problems and KEEP THEIR SECRETS. There are few things as annoying as a snitch and backstabber. But an important note: if the problem is of a serious nature, (i.e. your friend is thinking of committing suicide or is taking drugs), notify and consult an adult immediately.

Tip #7: Show them Islam is relevant today, right here, right now

Young people may think Islam is too "old fashioned" and not in tune with the modern age. Prove this wrong. Show how Islam is really about relating to Allah, which any human being can do, anywhere, anytime. Allah is always closer to you than your jugular vein and He hears and knows everything. Encourage friends to ask Allah's help during tests, exams, and in dealing with problems at home with parents and siblings. Also point out how Islam relates to teenagers: Islam gives you focus and an understanding of who you are and where you are going, which most of "teen culture" does not.

Tip #8: Get them involved in volunteer work with you

If you are already involved in the community, get your friend to help out. Ask them to make a flyer for one of your youth group's events or brainstorm for ideas about activities to hold this school year. This involvement makes them feel part of the Muslim community and deepens your friendship, since you are now working together on something beneficial for both of you. Make sure you thank them for their contribution.

Tip #9: Ask them 4 fundamental questions

As your friendship develops, you will notice the topics you discuss may become more serious. You may be discussing, for instance, future goals and plans. Khan recommends four questions to ask that can steer the topic to Allah and Islam:

a. Where am I going in life and what would make me really happy deep down inside?
b. What do I believe?
c. Who should I be grateful to?
d. Did I get to where I am today without the help of anyone?

Tip #10: Emphasize praying five times a day before any other aspect of Islam

A person's main connection with Allah, on a daily basis, is through the prayer five times a day. Don't emphasize any other aspect of Islam until your friend starts making a real effort to pray five times a day. Emphasize the direct connection one has with Allah in prayer. If they are facing a problem, tell them to pray, and to ask Allah for help in Salah and outside this time. When possible, make it a point to pray together during your "hang out time". If your friend begins to pray, that is the first step to other aspects of Islam like giving up swearing, treating parents with respect or dressing Islamically.

Tip# 11: Help instil confidence in adults

Adults, like Bart Simpson's dad Homer, are considered bumbling idiots in the eyes of "teen culture". Your job as a young Muslim is to help turn the tables on this false and unIslamic belief. All you have to do is this: when a Muslim adult does something good (i.e. saving someone's life, donating money to a worthy cause, the Imam gives a good speech, taking good care of his/her family) bring it up in the course of your conversations with your friend and praise the adult in question. Doing this regularly may not only change your friend's perspective, but could lead to them seeing their own parents in a more respectful way.

Tip #12: Support them even when they become more practicing

Remember, just because a person starts practicing Islam more regularly, this does not mean everything will be okay from this point onwards. There will still be hard times, difficulties. There may be times when your friend may have doubts about his or her newfound practice of Islam. Be there to reassure them

Indahnya cinta

Alam banyak bertutur ketika kita mencoba berdiam sejenak untuk menjadi pendengar yang baik sehingga pesan atau tutur yang disampaikan dapat dengan jelas diterima.
Musim penghujan di Nusantara biasanya berlangsung dari bulan September hingga bulan April. Setelah mendapatkan musim kemarau selama enam bulan, tanaman biasanya mendapat guyuran hujan pertama di Bulan September. Guyuran ini menyebabkan tumbuhnya tunas-tunas baru yang berbunga.
Tunas-tunas baru dengan bunga-bunga yang bermekaran seperti cinta yang baru tumbuh dan mekar dirongga dada. Harum wangi bunga yang berbaur dengan udara akan mengundang lebah untuk mengumpulkan madu serta kupu-kupu dan kumbang yang ikut membantu penyerbukkan sehingga nantinya dapat menjadi buah yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan.
Bulan September yang dalam “Bahasa Balinya disebut sasih Kapat” merupakan bulan dimana alam bercinta untuk memberikan aroma yang harum, persediaan madu dan buah bagi kehidupan.
Berhubung alam sedang bercinta maka manusianyapun ikut serta, untuk dapat harmonis dengan alam. Ditandai banyaknya yang menempuh hidup baru pada bulan september agar ikut mendapatkan nama yang harum, hidup yang manis dan keturunan yang berkualitas.
Sedangkan pada Bulan Februari setelah selesai musim hujan angin, biasanya gairah binatang meninggi. Akan banyak dilihat anjing birahi dan kawin pada bulan Februari, yang di Bali dikenal Dengan Sasih Kesanga yang identik dengan musim kawin bagi satwa anjing. Anjing mempersiapkan anaknya lahir setelah musim hujan usai, dan biasanya anjing membuat liang ditanah dikala melahirkan anaknya.
Bulan ini terasa lebih bergairah dibanding bulan-bulan yang lainnya, tetapi biasanya di Bali masyarakatnya menghindari menikah pada bulan Februari (Sasih Kesanga) karena lebih banyak unsur nafsu daripada cinta.
Apakah gairah pada bulan Februari ini ada hubungannya dengan Perayaan Valentine yang selalu jatuh pada tanggal 14 Februari?….yang jelas Timur dan Barat adalah berbeda dari alam dan Budayanya, jadi tidak bisa disimpulkan semudah itu. Jadi jangan mudah menerima mentah-mentah budaya yang tidak sesuai dengan alam kita, karena dipastikan tidak bakalan cocok. Jadi pintar-pintar menyaring agar hal-hal yang sesuai dan bermanfaat saja dapat diambil

10 Tips To Healthy Eating

Experts agree the key to healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety and moderation. In short, that means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient. These 10 tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat.
  1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need more than 40 different nutrients for good health, and no single food supplies them all. Your daily food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods. How much you should eat depends on your calorie needs. Use the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutrition Facts panel on food labels as handy references.
  2. Enjoy plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Surveys show most Americans don't eat enough of these foods. Do you eat 6-11 servings from the bread, rice, cereal and pasta group, 3 of which should be whole grains? Do you eat 2-4 servings of fruit and 3-5 servings of vegetables? If you don't enjoy some of these at first, give them another chance. Look through cookbooks for tasty ways to prepare unfamiliar foods.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight. The weight that's right for you depends on many factors including your sex, height, age and heredity. Excess body fat increases your chances for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer and other illnesses. But being too thin can increase your risk for osteoporosis, menstrual irregularities and other health problems. If you're constantly losing and regaining weight, a registered dietitian can help you develop sensible eating habits for successful weight management. Regular exercise is also important to maintaining a healthy weight.
  4. Eat moderate portions. If you keep portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy. Did you know the recommended serving of cooked meat is 3 ounces, similar in size to a deck of playing cards? A medium piece of fruit is 1 serving and a cup of pasta equals 2 servings. A pint of ice cream contains 4 servings. Refer to the Food Guide Pyramid for information on recommended serving sizes.
  5. Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. When you're very hungry, it's also tempting to forget about good nutrition. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal.
  6. Reduce, don't eliminate certain foods. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is moderating how much of these foods you eat and how often you eat them.
    Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary. Adults who eat high-fat meats or whole-milk dairy products at every meal are probably eating too much fat. Use the Nutrition Facts panel on the food label to help balance your choices.
    Choosing skim or low-fat dairy products and lean cuts of meat such as flank steak and beef round can reduce fat intake significantly.
    If you love fried chicken, however, you don't have to give it up. Just eat it less often. When dining out, share it with a friend, ask for a take-home bag or a smaller portion.
  7. Balance your food choices over time. Not every food has to be "perfect." When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.
  8. Know your diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them. Write down everything you eat for three days. Then check your list according to the rest of these tips. Do you add a lot of butter, creamy sauces or salad dressings? Rather than eliminating these foods, just cut back your portions. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? If not, you may be missing out on vital nutrients.
  9. Make changes gradually. Just as there are no "superfoods" or easy answers to a healthy diet, don't expect to totally revamp your eating habits overnight. Changing too much, too fast can get in the way of success. Begin to remedy excesses or deficiencies with modest changes that can add up to positive, lifelong eating habits. For instance, if you don't like the taste of skim milk, try low-fat. Eventually you may find you like skim, too.
  10. Remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health

Selasa, 02 September 2014

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2. Modul Pembelajaran terbaik dan sesuai standar resmi.
Semua modul bersumber dari soal-soal cpns tahun lalu dan kisi-kisi resmi soal cpns dari pemerintah. Semua materi yang diberikan 
merupakan soal cpnsyang selalu keluar dalam hampir setiap ujian cpns yang disusun secara sistematis sehingga mempermudah member dalam memahami materi dan menaklukkan soal-soal cpns, Modul ini juga berisi jawaban dan penjelasan yang dibahas oleh tim ahli cpnsonline Indonesia termasuk cara cepat dan trik-trik yang mudah.

3. Sistem Pembelajaran secara online.

Pembelajaran dilakukan secara online, kapanpun dan dimanapun tanpa harus berbenturan dengan jadwal kesibukan pekerjaan member.

4. Media dan Sarana Pembelajaran Terlengkap dan Up to date;Agar persiapan member dapat dilakukan secara efektif efisien,dan tepat sasaran, cpnsonline memberikan media dan saran pembelajaran sebagai berikut:

a. Tryout CPNS dalam bentuk kompetisi;
b. Aplikasi CAT CPNS secara online dan offline;
c. Tersedia modul pembahasan soal cpns dalam bentuk ebook pdf;
d. Tersedia pembelajaran melalui video learning;
e. Tersedia puluhan software dan aplikasi penunjang;
f. Website khusus eLearning cpnsonline Indonesia;
h. Tersedia layanan smsgateway;
i. Ruang bimbingan dan konsultasi cpns secara online;
j. Ruang diskusi online secara interaktif dengan tim ahli cpnsonline;
K. dapat diakses melalui smartphone, iphone, ipad, blackberry, laptop, pc, dan lainnya.

5. Bimbingan belajar dan Konsultasi sampai lulus cpns.Setiap member berhak mendapatkan akses bimbingan belajar dan konsultasi dengan tim ahli cpnsonline Indonesia sampai lulus cpns, tidak dibatasi masa berlaku dan setiap saat dapat mengikuti pembahasan soal cpns serta mengajukan pertanyaan hal-hal yang perlu dikonsultasikan.
6. Layanan Akses Informasi Lowongan CPNS 2014 tanpa batas.
Setiap member berhak mendapatkan informasi lowongan cpns melalui sms tanpa tambahan biaya atau potongan pulsa. Akses informasi ini didapat dari kerjasama dengan beberapa tim dan alumni cpnsonline yang telah bekerja di instansi pemerintah, kementerian, dan pemerintah daerah seluruh Indonesia sehingga informasi yang diberikan resmi dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

7. Terbukti telah Melulusan Ribuan CPNS tanpa Sogokan dan KKN;
Setelah eksis sejak tahun 2008 dan telah memiliki lebih dari 35.000 member, kini telah berhasil meluluskan ribuan member yang hampir ada di semua kementerian, lembaga, instansi, dan pemerintahan daerah dan provinsi di seluruh Indonesia.

8. Akses keanggotaan selamanya (lifetime).
Pembayaran menjadi member cpnsonline hanya sekali saat pendaftaran, namun keanggotaan Anda selamanya (lifetime). Tidak akan ada tambahan biaya apapun apabila ada update fasilitas dan layanan cpnsonline. Apabila member telah lulus seleksi cpns, maka akses keanggotaannya dapat diberikan kepada keluarga atau teman tanpa dikenakan biaya.

9. Biaya Keanggotaan Terjangkau;Semua layanan dan fasilitas yang diberikan kepada semua member termasuk menyediakan tentor senior S3 dan S2 yang berprofesi sebagai PNS tentu biaya keanggotaan yang hanya dibayarkan sekali tidak akan sebanding tentunya dengan manfaat yang didapat. Namun kelulusan Anda menjadi Aparatur Negara tanpa sogokan dan KKN merupakan tujuan utama keberadaan cpnsonline Indonesia ini.

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mendapatkan semua fasilitas dan layanan tersebut selain di sini.

Silahkan bandingkan dengan website lainnya


Silahkan baca di bawah ini:

cat cpns
CPNSONLINE INDONESIA secara kontinyu setiap tahunnya mengadakan kompetisi soal cpns sebagai salah satu bentuk pembelajaran yang paling efektif dan media uji kemampuan diri yang paling tepat.
Pada tahun 2013, cpnsonline telah melaksanakan sebanyak 41 kompetisi dengan puluhan ribu peserta kompetisi. Pada tahun 2014 ini kembali menggelar kompetisi soal cpns dengan memberikan reward spektakuler setiap kompetisi, diantaranya: Apple Ipad, Apple Iphone, Laptop Asus, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Acer Tab, Blackberry, dan gadget lainnya bernilai puluhan juta rupiah.
reward cpns

mendapatkan semua layanan, fasilitas, dan modul terbaik
pembelajaran cpns tersebut tersebut selain di sini.

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